Bowling Ball Layouts - Ebonite Layout No.1

Bowling Ball Layouts - Ebonite Layout No.1

Bowling Ball layouts - this ebonite's layout no.1 or drilling no.1. the pin is above the bridge annd the mass bias is at 3 inches off the side of the thumb like ebonite recommends. also there is a balance hole at 4inches over and 1/2 up if needed and drilling it back to 1/2 oz. positve wieght. for me it works great on a wet dry bowling lane conditon and dry backends with the oil length at 39 ft. I have had some huge scores with this layout on this bowling lane condition with this layout on the original ebonite one bowling ball. (Note: I did not invent this layout. I have used it on the Ebonite One Original with great success).
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The Ebonite Layout Or Drilling No. 1

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. Free Bowling Tips
..Bowling Instruction On Ebay, Inc.
..Bowling Ball Layouts - The 3 Basic Types
..Bowling Ball Layouts - The Arcing Layout Or 90 Degree Layout
. Bowling Ball Layouts - The Early Rolling Layout
. Bowling Ball Layouts - The Flip Layout Or Stacked Layout
. Bowling Ball Layout - My Black Widow Pearl Layout
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