Keep It Simple In Bowling A Tip For Bowlers - Your One Stop Pro Shop!

This is a common tip not just in bowling, but in a lot of sports or activities. People in general sometimes try to make things harder and fancier than they really have to be.

I see a lot of beginners in bowling try to roll a hook ball thinking that a hook or curve is the answer to bowling big scores. Sometimes I believe they see professionals with high rev rates and a lot of right to left motion on television.

So, they think this is the key to higher scoring. I do know that your young impressionable bowlers think that it is really cool to have a hook with lots of spin on the bowling ball.

The truth is that the high rev bowlers do score high, but as a rule they are less consistent.

In all fairness the natural hook or arcing appearance is a natural rotation of the hand and wrist coming out of the bowling ball with the thumb first then lifting with the fingers.

I would recommend keeping the game as simple as you can with the least amount of effort. Then practice the basics over and over again. Evolve gradually, improving at a steady and incremental pace.

If you are a beginner you can get the basic steps to get you started at - Bowling Tips and Instructions - learn those steps to get a good foundation.

Good Luck And Good Bowling.

Learn The Secret To Bowling Finger Positions Here

Ten Pin Bowling: Best Bowling Information Resource!

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