How to Stay Flexible in Bowling - Your One Stop Pro Shop!

A Flexibility Tip For Older Bowlers

A Flexibility Tip For Older Bowlers

First this is a tip for bowlers on how to get lower at the foul line if you have lost your flexibility due to age or if you are a taller person.

I must note I am not a doctor but am merely giving you some advice so please take care before doing anything that could cause you discomfort or injury.

I was asked recently if I had any tips for older adults on how they can get lower at the line because they were not as flexible as they use to be.

I also told them before that swimming is probably the best exercise to maintain flexibility and they should look for an older adult swimming class at their local community center or YMCA...

Then the person replied back and said they had back injuries and had some back surgeries.
I then replied that this problem fits in the same category as taller people…

Taller people have trouble getting low in their bowling approach because of the obvious; being tall their legs, back, and body are longer.

I then told the person that taller people have to bend more at the knees then smaller or average build people to get lower in their approach. So I suggested trying to get lower at the knees. It is just like when lifting to avoid a back injury bend at the knees.

Here is the tip…
Maintain flexibility by joining a swim therapy class.
Get lower at the foul line with a deeper knee bend.

Please take care to avoid injury and consult a physician before starting any exercises...

Remember tips are only a tip that is all they are, if it does not work always go back to what did.

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